Being (and Staying) Healthy for Business Success

You Are Your Business’ Most Important Asset

As busy business owners, entrepreneurs and/or professionals, you’re probably on-the-go often, jetting to appointments, traveling to meet clients or run errands, rushing to your computer to send off a mid-night email that slipped your mind during the day and/or simply sitting at a desk for hours at a time. While on the road or in the office, tempting treats and quick energy fixes abound. Just one here and one there can throw off your calorie intake and send your day, including the business goals you wanted to accomplish, into a frenetic tailspin or sleepy procrastinated naptime dream.

Working hard and earning success in business should not come at the sacrifice of your personal health. But, let’s face it, being and staying healthy takes time, a firm commitment and established thresholds to consistently keep it in check. And, as you guessed it, a healthy body and attentive mind does contribute to more energy, productivity and output at work, no matter what your job, which can translate to increased efficiencies, revenues, profits and overall business success. In addition, the self-confidence and enthusiasm that contagiously exude from feeling good about yourself are hard to ignore by prospects, employees and business stakeholders.

So, how does one get and stay in optimal shape for business success? Following are a few tips to consider:

  1. Eat Right: “You are what you eat,” — No surprise here but diet is the number one contributor to your health and contributes significantly to the amount of energy you have or don’t have throughout the day. Here are some tips to stay healthy by eating right from Natalie Lussier known as the Raw Foods Witch: Eat greens and vegetables at every meal. Drink plenty of water, often. Keep caffeine (and quick fix energy drinks) to a minimum. To add to that: Do not overeat at meals, take a mulit-vitamin, if necessary, and consider employing a calorie counter like the app “MyFitnessPal” (free on iTunes) to keep tabs on what you’re ingesting, where you’re deficient and the progress you make. If you’re on the road, make an effort to find healthy restaurants, order “grilled” or “baked.” Be sure to ask for substitutes and consider snacks like nuts, trail mix and/or fruit. Eating right does not have to be inconvenient or boring. It does, however, take conscious effort and planning.
  2. Get Enough Sleep: Reportly over 30 million Americans have sleep insomnia. I think I’m one of them. I get up super early and let the day’s happenings loiter my mind into the night. And, even though you might have read that most CEO’s get little sleep, it’s not recommended for optimal business performance. So how much is ‘enough’ sleep exactly? According to National Geographic, “We sleep on average about an hour and a half less a night than we did just a century ago,” “We’re getting about 6.7 hours a night, when most of us need 7-8.” “Even losing a few hours here and there can take a troubling toll, adding up to impaired motor control, hallucinations and memory loss. Going to work sleep-deprived is like clocking in drunk, says The Week. The ensuing under-productivity (or under-the-desk Costanza naps) can cost you your job.” (from Ask Fitness Coach). Consider a 30 minute powernap if necessary to stay fresh and energized throughout the day.
  3. Exercise Regularly: Your body needs movement and exercising stimulates chemicals that can make you more creative, energetic and productive. A study at Ball State University, found that business owners who kept a regular workout schedule, despite all the other demands on their time, wound up doing better in their jobs, the Associated Press reported. Of the participants interviewed, those who ran or weight trained a few times a week were about 4% more likely than non-exercisers to be making as much money as they had expected, the study found. But daily exercisers were about 14% more likely.  Consider a walk if you have a short break at lunch, bike ride to work or put some dumbbells in your office drawer. The more consistent you exercise and move your body, the better. While on the road, carry light workout shoes (I use my old wresting ones that fold up nicely and don’t take up much room) and get up 30 minutes early to hit the hotel gym.
  4. Challenge Your Mind Often: Being and staying mentally sharp is important to business success. And, it’s true that our capacity to retain information (memory) and other functions start to fade with age. To keep mentally young, consider the following: Take a class or teach a class (they say “to teach is to learn twice”). Finish a cross-word puzzle. Play a game of chess or other strategic video game. Brainstorm with other sharp-minded professionals. Being able to think strategically and make sound decisions comes from having the mental capacity to do so, no matter what your age.
  5. Practice Work-Life Balance: All work and no play does make Charlie a dull boy. Make time for hobbies. Spend time with family and friends. Laugh and have fun. Successful work-life balance has more impact on your overall health and well-being than you know.
  6. Spend Time Alone: There’s no substitute to silence and the stress-free serenity that comes with it. Try to schedule some time each day to be alone with no one but yourself. Free your mind and allow yourself to think. Consider meditation, yoga and/or other relaxation techniques and solutions (there are a lot of great meditation apps that help relax).

Remember YOU are your business’ best asset. Take good care of YOU and your business is likely to flourish for years to come.

About the Author

Angelo Biasi is General Manager of SMART Marketing Solutions, LLC, a leading full-service integrated marketing company in Florida and New York since 2001. He has helped create and execute marketing plans and integrated marketing solutions for companies such as Playtex, Bic, Rogaine, Tauck, and over 35 colleges and universities, to name a few. Angelo has an MBA in Marketing from the University of Connecticut and teaches Marketing at New York University where he has for over six years. He has been quoted and/or featured in USA Today, Mobile Marketer magazine, Mobile Commerce Daily, Luxury Marketing magazine, BNET TV and Business Currents magazine, to name a few. For more information or to learn more, email him at abiasiatsmartmarketingllcdotcom  (abiasiatsmartmarketingllcdotcom)  , visit, call him at 239.963.9396 and follow him on Twitter @angbiasi.

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